Thursday, February 2, 2012


I have had several people request that I begin a photography blog.
I'm not 100% sure what exactly most people would like to see in such a creation, so for now, I'll just sort of wing it.

When I started taking pictures, I didn't know or even care if I was good at it. It was just something I enjoyed.
Many of my friends liked what I photographed, and after a while I started getting requests for portraits. I never expected to actually get any attention for it.

I've found that, much like my writing, people either like my photography, or they hate it. I've had one photography teacher that really liked my work. I've had another that thought I should just sell my camera and move on.

Much the same, I've found many critics who hate my stuff and I've found critics who love it.

I'll leave it up to you to judge for yourself.

I got my first "real" digital camera back in 2005 as my high school graduation present to myself.  Not long after that, I got my second graduation present - a trip to Europe. Having had very little training, I was pleasantly surprised at some of the resulting pictures.

Well, that's the only one I've got for now. 

Anyway, I love landscape and still life photography. It's what I cut my teeth on, but it rarely gets real appreciation. Here are a few more of my favorites, from various time points.

Cooperative dragonfly at Aldridge Botanical Gardens in Hoover.

The famous Bourbon Street

A view from a steam boat tour down the Mississippi River in New Orleans.

Moss Rock Preserve in Hoover

Anyway, just some samples to get us started. Next, portraits! :)


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